Premenstrual disorders

What is Premenstrual disorders (PMS) ?

Physical and emotional changes that may occur between ovulation and the start of period. It typically lasts until a few days after period begins and can have a negative impact on life. PMS symptoms may get worse as you reach your late 30s or 40s. PMS stops after menopause when you no longer get a period

What are the symptoms of PMS ?

Physical symptoms of PMS can include:
– Breast pain
– Constipation or diarrhea
– Bloating
– Cramping
– Headache or backache
– Clumsiness
– Lower tolerance for noise or light


Emotional or mental symptoms of PMS include:
– Irritability
– Feeling tired
– Sleep problems
– Appetite changes or food cravings
– Trouble with concentration or memory
– Tension or anxiety
– Depression, feelings of sadness, or crying spells
– Mood swings
– Less interest in sex

How can you help yourself?

– Get regular aerobic and physical activity throughout the month
– Avoid foods and drinks with caffeine, salt and sugar in the two weeks before your period
– Find healthy ways to cope with stress.
– Avoid triggering factors like tobacco.