
Aim: 'Walk in - Walk out ' for intrauterine problems

What is Office Hysteroscopy?

Office hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that allows to look inside the womb (uterus) for diagnostic and operative purposes in office. The method involves the use of a slender telescope equipped with a light and camera, known as a hysteroscope, to examine the cervix and the interior of the uterus.What sets this proce dure apart is its convenience and efficiency—it can be performed in the doctor’s office (OPD) without the need for general anesthesia or a hospital stay. Dr. Tanvir Singh has mastered this technique, providing patients with a comfortable and reassuring experience while addressing their gynecological concerns.
How does a patient prepare for the office hysteroscopy?
The journey of office hysteroscopy patient begins with a simple outpatient visit to Dr. Tanvir Singh’s clinic. Patients can expect a hassle-free experience, as the procedure is performed in the comfort of the opd. Patient and attender can be part of the procedure. It is usually done without anaesthesia and takes about 30 minutes. Patient need not be fasting for the procedure unless specified by the doctor.

How is the office hysteroscopy procedure performed?

During the procedure, hysteroscope equipped with a light and camera, is gently inserted into the uterus through the cervix, allowing for a clear visualization of the uterine cavity. The sterile water is instilled into the uterus so that the uterine walls are clearly visible. There is a TV monitor to visualize the inside of the cavity. This enables Dr. Tanvir to identify any abnormalities or conditions that may be causing symptoms or infertility issues.

What are the benefits of office hysteroscopy?

The advantages of office hysteroscopy are manifold. Firstly, the procedure is stitch-less, meaning there are no incisions or sutures required, resulting in minimal discomfort and faster recovery times for patients. Additionally, the diagnostic capabilities of hysteroscopy teamed with ultrasound are unparalleled, allowing for the precise identification of conditions such as uterine polyps, fibroids, adhesions, and abnormal bleeding.
Moreover, office hysteroscopy offers therapeutic benefits as well. Dr. Tanvir Singh can simultaneously treat various gynecologic conditions during the procedure, including removing polyps, fibroids, and intrauterine adhesions, and correcting structural abnormalities that may be impacting fertility. This integrated approach ensures that patients receive comprehensive care in a single session, sparing them the need for multiple visits and procedures.

Which gynecologic conditions are diagnosed and treated with office hysteroscopy?

Office hysteroscopy is a versatile tool in the hands of Dr. Tanvir Singh, capable of diagnosing and treating a wide range of gynecologic issues. Some of the conditions commonly addressed through this procedure include:

• Uterine Polyps: Benign growths in the uterine lining that can cause abnormal bleeding or infertility.
• Fibroids: Noncancerous tumors that develop in the uterus, leading to heavy periods, pelvic pain, or fertility problems.
• Adhesions (Asherman’s Syndrome): Scar tissue that forms inside the uterus, often as a result of prior surgeries or infections, causing menstrual irregularities or infertility.
• Endometrial Hyperplasia: A thickening of the uterine lining that can cause abnormal bleeding or be a precursor to uterine cancer.
• Structural Abnormalities: Anomalies in the shape or structure of the uterus, such as septate or bicornuate uterus, which can affect fertility or pregnancy outcomes.
• Biopsy: Tissue samples (biopsies) can be taken during hysteroscopy to further investigate any suspicious areas or to diagnose conditions such as endometrial hyperplasia or cancer.
• Assessment of Intrauterine Devices (IUDs): Hysteroscopy can be used to check the placement of an IUD inside the uterus or to remove it if necessary.
• Treatment of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: In some cases, hysteroscopy can be used to identify and treat the cause of heavy menstrual bleeding, such as polyps or fibroids.
• Management of postmenopausal bleeding: Compared with traditional methods such as curettage, hysteroscopy offers the possibility of visualizing macroscopically focal abnormalities and taking directed biopsies. Office hysteroscopy allows direct visualization of the uterine cavity leading to accurate diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of missed abortion instead of the traditional D and C: Hysteroscopic resection is a feasible and safe procedure for the management of missed abortion that could increase the diagnosis of uterine abnormalities.

What is the cost of office hysteroscopy in Hyderabad?

Beyond its clinical benefits, office hysteroscopy also presents a cost-effective solution for patients. By eliminating the need for hospitalization and general anesthesia, Dr. Tanvir Singh’s approach significantly reduces medical expenses associated with traditional surgical interventions. Moreover, the convenience of a walk-in, walk-out procedure means minimal disruption to patients’ daily lives, allowing them to resume their activities promptly. To know more about cost of hysteroscopy, contact us or book appointment.
Address: Tanvir Hospital, Plot No. 100, 1st Phase Road, Sri Nagar Colony, Kamalapuri Colony, Hyderabad, Telangana 500073 Phone number: 9951911155 Email-id: thdoctorappointments@gmail.com

Why office Hysteroscopy at Tanvir Hospital?

At Tanvir Hospital, Dr. Tanvir Singh’s pioneering work in office hysteroscopy has transformed the landscape of gynecological care in Hyderabad, India. Through her expertise and dedication, patients now have access to a minimally invasive, stitch less procedure that offers both diagnostic and therapeutic benefits for a range of gynecologic issues. With her compassionate approach and commitment to excellence, Dr. Tanvir continues to redefine the standard of care, empowering women to reclaim their health and well-being with confidence.


Is hysteroscopy painful ?

Some women feel some cramping, especially when the sterile salt water is instilled.

Is it OK to get back to work after the procedure?

Many women have no pain after the hysteroscopy, but you may feel a little cramping. You can return to work immediately after the procedure. You need not take off from your daily activities.

Are there any risks of hysteroscopy?

The risks of the hysteroscopy include pain or discomfort, infection, and vaginal spotting or bleeding. Visit the hospital if you develop a fever, continuous bleeding, or continue to feel pain. It is normal to have spotting for 2-3 days after the procedure.

When is the best time during my cycle to schedule the hysteroscopy?

The hysteroscopy is usually scheduled after your period ends, but before you expect to ovulate, usually between days 5 – 10 of your menstrual cycle. You need to use protection during intercourse prior to the test. You may resume intercourse without protection 24 hours after the procedure.