
What is Colposcopy?

It is close-up examination of lower part of uterus cervix using a special microscope called a colposcope. A colposcopy is usually performed after an abnormal result from a PAP/HPV test. The results will determine whether you need additional treatment to remove abnormal cells from your cervix.

How to diagnose a Colposcopy?

– Abnormal cells were detected during your routine PAP/HPV test
– The PAP/HPV test produced inconclusive results
– Anything unusual was spotted during a routine gynaecological exam
– You’ve been experiencing symptoms that could be associated with your cervix, such as bleeding between periods or after sex

What is the Colposcopy examination like?

It is like a regular pelvic examination, except that instead of looking at the cervix with the naked eye, the clinician will be looking through the colposcope.
The entire examination takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes. If a biopsy is obtained, a slight pinching sensation may be experienced. If abnormal cells are detected during the colposcopy, it may be possible to remove them immediately. The final step is to do a scraping of the inside of the cervix,This is called an endocervical curettage.


Is any preparation necessary for Colposcopy examination?

– You should not douche, use any vaginal creams or have intercourse 2 days before the examination.
– You should not have your period at the time of the examination.
– It is ideal to perform the colposcopy just after your period has ended.

What happens after the Colposcopy examination?

– No time off from work is needed.
– Intercourse should be avoided until all bleeding stops.-
– No other limitation of activities is need.
– The biopsy results will be back within 1-2 weeks.