Aim: Fit@forty, Strong@sixty, Independant@Eighty. Well Woman Annual Examination for forty plus

Annual general health examinations

What examinations are covered as a part of Annual Examination?

– History and physical examination
– Screening for diabetes, hypertension
– Thyroid problems
– Obesity
– Menopause
– Osteoporosis
– Urinary and sexual problems
– Depression
– Infections
– Cancer
– Individualised management plan

Pap Smears

What is a PAP test?

A PAP test is done during a vaginal examination or by self wherein the cervix is scraped with brush and the discharge from the vagina is sent for testing for abnormal cells. In the same sample tests care done to detect high risk HPV virus.


The HPV/Pap co-test uses an HPV test and Pap test together to check for both high-risk HPV and cervical cell changes. A Pap test also sometimes finds conditions that are not cancer, such as infection or inflammation.

What is pre-cervical cancer?

The cervix shows abnormal cells on a PAP/HPV test which may progress to cervical cancer. If you have abnormal cells, there is a risk that they could develop into cervical cancer if they are left in place. At this stage, hysterectomy is not needed. Colposcopy, local therapy and follow up is sufficient.


An abnormal smear result isn’t usually anything to worry about, but it does need to be investigated.

Cervical Cancer Screening (Pap Smears, HPV, Colposcopy and LEEP procedure) :

What is cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in India andarises from the cervix. The cervix is the lower, narrow end of the uterus (womb) and connects the uterus to the vagina. 

What is the cause?

Cervical cancer is caused by persistent infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a common virus that is passed from one person to another during sex. Women living with HIV are 6 times more likely to develop cervical cancer compared to women without HIV

Can cervical cancer be prevented?

YES. Prophylactic vaccination against HPV and screening and treatment of pre-cancer lesions are effective ways to prevent cervical cancer and are very cost-effective.

Is there any treatment for cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer can be cured if diagnosed at an early stage and treated promptly. Report to a healthcare professional if you notice:
– Unusual bleeding between periods, after menopause, or after sexual intercourse
– Increased or foul-smelling vaginal discharge
– Symptoms like persistent pain in the back, legs, or pelvis
– Weight loss, fatigue and loss of appetite
– Vaginal discomfort
– Swelling in the legs

Breast Awareness

Self examination once month after periods in menstruating women or once month in women without periods. You should report any changes that you notice to your doctor or health care provider. Annual clinical breast exam examination by a doctor or nurse, who uses his or her hands to feel for lumps or other changes

Contraceptive Counselling -Temporary and permanent sterilisation

Family planning and contraception is important to avoid unplanned pregnancy. We also offer medical/ surgical termination of pregnancy in early trimester.

What is contraceptive counselling?

You can know more about contraception and it’s proper use at different stages of life including the benefits, risk associated and how to minimise the side effects.The choice of contraceptive is determined by patient preferences, eligibility and tolerance for failure. We, at Tanvir follow the WHO contraceptive guide

What are the temporary methods?

Temporary methods include barrier methods like the condoms, different types of hormonal methods which offer non contraceptive benefits too. IUCD and implants are available

What are the permanent methods?

Female sterilization (tubal ligation) remains the leading method of contraception in India, but vasectomy for the male is a simple procedure

Therapeutic lifestyle modification

– Diet
– Physical activity
– Exercise
– Sleep
– Positive attitude

Treatment of precancer -local therapy

– Thermal ablation, which involves using a heated probe to burn off cells
– Cryotherapy, which involves using a cold probe to freeze off the cells
– LEETZ (large loop excision of the transformation zone), which involves removing your abnormal tissues with an electrically heated loop and/or a cone biopsy, which involves using a knife to remove a cone-shaped wedge of tissue

WHO Statement on cervical cancer elimination

All countries have made a commitment to eliminate cervical cancer as a public health problem. The WHO Global strategy sets three targets to be achieved put all countries on the pathway to elimination in the coming decades:
– 90% of girls vaccinated with the HPV vaccine by age 15
– 70% of women screened with PAP/HPV by ages 35 and 45
– 90% of women with cervical disease receiving treatment.